Case Studies

blue arrow down on a white shape
lawyer explaining ctp on a whiteboard
Type of Claim: Compulsory Third Party
Type of Injury: Chronic musculoligamentous strain
Settlement: Six-figure sum
Timeline: Approximately 3.5 years

Michelle came to us approximately three (3) after she had submitted a compulsory third party claim to the insurer of the vehicle which caused her injuries.

The insurer had made an offer to settle her claim which added insult to injury and that did not reflect a reasonable assessment of the damages to which she would be entitled.

Michelle had required over 80 sessions of physiotherapy and other treatment, for her injuries. She was working part-time but it was always her intention to return to full-time work when her children reached school age.

Our Approach

Michelle’s desperate search for relief from her symptoms made it clear to us that the injuries had a significant impact upon her life.

To prove her case we:

  • Obtained records from all of her treating health care providers and demonstrated that before her accident she was a fit and healthy woman;
  • Took statements from family members to demonstrate the level of care and support she required, as well as how the injuries had changed her;
  • Arranged for her to undergo independent medical examinations with an orthopaedic surgeon and neurologist, to understand the long term impact of her injuries;
  • Prepared a detailed Statement of Loss and Damage, setting out the various amounts that Michelle was entitled to claim.

Michelle’s claim settled at a Compulsory Conference with the insurer. It resolved for more than 15 times the original offer by the insurer.