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busy road traffic

Bill to stamp out the ‘insidious practice’ of claim farming in motor accident claims

The Queensland government has introduced legislation to stamp out claim farming and serious penalties apply. Find out more.
Managing indemnity disputes after Highway Hauliers

QSC awards $800k in interest in business insurance claim

Find out more about the background, trial and findings in a case where the QSC awarded $800K in interest in a business insurance claim following ...
vinyl flooring compensation

QCA awards 42 year old care worker $480k for ankle, hip and back injuries

An aged care worker who slipped while showering a patient has been awarded $480k for ankle, hip and back injuries. Read more.

Criminal conduct and claims for personal injuries

Brown v Logan City Council [2019] QSC 46 If a person commits a crime, can they still claim damages for personal injuries arising out of ...
light bulb

Claims wrongly denied for non-payment of a premium

What happens if you pay your insurance premium late? Are you covered for events that occur during the period of non-payment? Read our article.
hard helmets mounted on a wall

Supreme Court awards 55 year old haul truck driver $719k for back injury

Case note: Krobath v Thiess Pty Ltd [2018] QSC 309 A 55 year old dump truck operator has successfully sued his employer, Thiess Pty Ltd (the ...
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