Case Studies

blue arrow down on a white shape
doctor examining a woman's neck for whiplash
Type of Claim: Compulsory Third Party
Type of Injury: Whiplash – cervical spine & psychological
Settlement: Six-figure sum
Timeline: Approximately two years

Cathy was involved in a motor vehicle accident and suffered whiplash and a psychological injury, consequent to her physical injury.

She submitted a claim herself to the CTP insurer of the vehicle at fault.  She was disappointed with how her case was being handled by the insurer and was worried that her symptoms weren’t being taken seriously.  She contacted us for advice about her entitlements and assistance with resolving her claim.

Our Approach

We recognised the significant impact that Cathy’s accident had had upon her as a person.  In Cathy’s case we gathered:

  • Records of treating health care providers;
  • Expert medical evidence from an orthopaedic surgeon;
  • Expert medical evidence from a psychiatrist;
  • Witness statements;
  • Records of previous employers.

Cathy’s case settled in approximately two (2) years.  We achieved a six figure settlement with the insurer, on her behalf.